Big Data Analytics


Released on 18 July 2018, Local Economy Driver Index (LEDIX) is a powerful visualization system that brings together complex information on inter-firm transactions, company performance and its regional contribution into a single dynamic graphic.

LEDIX was developed using Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's key business indicators used to identifying companies driving regional economic prosperity. The data at the heart of LEDIX is Teikoku Data Bank's big data on inter-firm transactions. The companies driving regional economic prosperity were identified on the basis of their contribution to the region, their growth potential, and their connectedness within and outside the region.

The power of LEDIX is in the way it turns these one-dimensional measures of company performance and contribution, into a 3D visual experience. Users are able to see the flow of money into and out of the regional economy and understand the extent to which selected companies are driving regional economic prosperity.

The potential of LEDIX lies not only in its ability to support Evidence-Based Policy Making (EBPM) but its usefulness in evaluating the ripple effects following a shock and its ability to stimulate new ideas and discussions.

Please click here, to experience the power and potential of LEDIX.

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